Chiropractic Knowledge / Chiropractic Care For Injury Prevention

Chiropractic Care for Injury Prevention

Last updated: December 13, 2023 | Author: Dr. Samantha Coleman

man stretching before runningWith any kind of health condition, prevention is always the best treatment. The same goes for any type of injury.

While freak accidents do occur, more often than not there are some underlying issues that eventually result in a “breaking point” and injury. If these issues can be tackled prior to an injury, they can minimize unnecessary down time, save you money, and help you live a higher quality of life.

With all of this in mind, injury prevention may seem like a no-brainer. Yet, motivation is often low when seeking care for an injury you haven’t even had.

Regularly seeing a holistic health and alignment expert, like a specialist in research-based results-oriented Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP), can help you recognize any problems before they manifest as much bigger symptoms.

How to Prevent Injuries

It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete, worker bee, or something in between, there are some traditional strategies that we use societally for minimizing risk of injury. These include:

  • Eating a healthy diet dense in nutrients (aka whole foods and produce)
  • Consistent exercise- both strengthening and stretching for tissue health
  • Minimizing time spent in sitting when possible
  • Getting enough high quality sleep each night
  • Good stress management skills
  • Listening to your body’s cues when low grade symptoms do appear- instead of ignoring them
  • Seeking professional help from a trusted medical provider that understands how to achieve full body balance, such as a Virginia Beach chiropractors

All of these options encourage full body health and function to allow your tissue to self modulate any problems that arise.

Problems generally arise when issues like overuse, inflammation, and misalignment occur.

How Spine Alignment Plays a Role in Injury

With the spinal column protecting our central nervous system- the life force for all function- proper spine alignment is crucial for good health and function.

Unfortunately, the spine can easily become misaligned with common issues like poor posture, past injury, and movement imbalances.

Yet, these spine misalignment issues are often missed without the expert eyes of a CBP practitioner.

How Spine Alignment Plays a Role in Injury

Spine alignment affects nerve energy. When proper nerve signaling is compromised, it affects the body’s tissue health, it’s natural capabilities for healing, and proper coordination with daily activities.

If ignored for long enough, it will eventually turn into a full blown injury, pain, and loss of function that you will have to address with extensive treatment.

Chiropractors For Preventing Injuries In Virginia Beach

When the spine is optimally aligned, the benefits are twofold.

It will allow the body to continue functioning at it’s best for peak performance and health.

Better nerve flow ultimately allows for better tissue health, healing capabilities, reduced inflammation and improved movement patterns.

These benefits will all help you stay on top of your game without suffering unnecessary pain and loss of productivity.

Dr. Samantha Coleman at ChiroSolutions Center in Virginia Beach, VA is specialized in CBP.

If you would like to optimize your current function and decrease the risk of injury in the future, get in touch with her today.

She can discuss what underlying issues might be worth addressing holistically for creating sustainable long term health.

Dr Samantha Coleman Chiropractor

She is the only Advanced Certified CBP Chiropractor in Hampton Roads, Virginia.

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