Digital motion X-ray2023-12-21T10:01:23+00:00


Chiropractor / Chiropractic Care / Digital motion X-ray


DMX-ChiroSolutions-Center-Virginia-Beach-ChiropractorDigital motion X-ray or DMX is a diagnostic test utilized by physicians to evaluate any joint in the body in full motion in real-time.

DMX is quick and easy and may reveal permanent ligamentous injury commonly missed by other diagnostic procedures.

DMX records at a rate of 30 frames per second.

DMX is different from standard fluoroscopy used in hospitals.

The standard fluoroscopy moves around the body part, DMX on the other hand allows the body part being evaluated to move.

Evaluating the body in its natural motion allows for an objective finding and visually demonstrates altered movements of bones allowing the radiologist to specifically determine which ligaments or other soft tissues are injured.

DMX scans are the number one way to determine joint instability in the spine and the peripheral joints in the body.

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What Dr. Coleman Wants for You

Dr. Coleman wants to add quality to your life and add life to your years.

She cares for your overall health, not just caring for aches and pains.

Aches and pains may be what prompts you to make your first visit, maybe even the second visit – but once you have spent time under Dr. Coleman’s care, you begin to understand that she cares deeply for your overall quality of life.

Okay, you aren’t reading a doctor’s website because you feel great.

If you are here, the chances are that you or someone you love needs help from a chiropractor.

We help people working in all different career and work environments, and those suffering from trauma and damage due to accidents.

Commonly Asked Questions

What is normal spinal alignment?2019-04-08T16:27:29+00:00

Just as there are normal values in all bodily functions such as: temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar, and hormone levels, there are normal curves to the spine. The spine has one ideal position, which minimizes stress on the nervous system, skeletal system and muscular system. This normal position is important in reducing abnormal symptoms, such as pain, as well as improving overall bodily function.

When looking at the spine in the frontal view, the spine should be straight. From the side, the ear should be directly over the shoulder, the shoulder directly over the hip, and the hip directly over the ankle. If these normal structures and postures are not present, stress and strain are placed upon the spine. These stresses and strains lead to breakdown in the tissues, causing dysfunction and eventually pain, and interfering with the normal processes of the nervous system. The restoration of normal structure, as facilitated by your doctor, will lead to normalized function in the body.

Spinal care now, can prevent a number of spine problems later in life. Through a customized treatment plan and lifestyle changes, you can have the freedom from pain you deserve, now and in the future.

Why is good posture so important?2019-04-08T16:26:50+00:00

Posture is a window to the shape of the spinal column. Abnormal posture can be related to a number of health problems and increases stress and pressure on the muscles, ligaments and bones of the spinal column. These abnormal stresses (caused by poor posture) lead to a breakdown of body tissues and eventually cause pain.

Posture is one of the most simple, but also most difficult aspects of our everyday lives. Whether at work or at play, keeping good posture is of utmost importance. The nervous system controls all functions in the body, and posture controls how well the nervous system functions. Losing posture affects not just how you look but how you feel and how well all processes in the body work. Being aware of your posture while sitting, standing, walking, or lying down can make a significant difference in the success of your treatment plan.

Does an adjustment hurt?2019-04-08T16:26:20+00:00

No. In fact, when vertebrae in your spine return to their proper position, you will notice much less stress and tension. Thus, CBP® adjustments actually leave you feeling great. We are confident that your visits to our office, including spinal manipulation and CBP® adjustments, will quickly become one of the highlights of your week.

How long does rehabilitation take?2019-04-08T16:25:57+00:00

We treat patients for as little as a few weeks to as long as two years, depending on their health conditions. The extent to which you choose to benefit from your rehabilitation is ultimately up to you. Each of us is responsible for the quality of our health and well-being. Once a patient’s treatment plan is complete and our goals are achieved, we strongly urge all patients to continue maintenance care to gain long-term, lasting benefits. Regular exercise and healthy eating habits are lifestyle decisions and so is lifetime wellness care.

Many of the patients treated in our office have spinal degeneration (decay), which has taken years and in some cases a lifetime to develop. The trauma of the birth process, slips, falls, accidents and countless other stresses over the course of a lifetime adversely affect the health of your spine. The longer you wait to have your spine checked, the longer it will take to correct postural and structural abnormalities. However, how you choose to use rehabilitation is ultimately up to you. It has been our experience that those who stop care prior to the conclusion of their treatment plan because they are “feeling fine” return with the same challenges, which initially brought them to our office. However, patients who commit to rehabilitation to correct their conditions find their health challenges rarely return, and they enjoy a higher quality of life and health.

What is a CBP® Adjustment?2019-04-08T16:20:41+00:00

A CBP® adjustment is the beginning process of rehabilitating your spine towards normal structure. CBP® certification ensures that the doctors performing the adjustment are trained in the proper way to change the spine.

Just as there are normal values in all bodily functions such as temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar, and hormone levels, there are normal curves to the spine. The spine has one ideal position, which minimizes stress on the nervous system, skeletal system and muscular system. This normal position is important in reducing abnormal symptoms, such as pain, as well as improving overall bodily function.

When looking at the spine in the frontal view, the spine should be straight. From the side, the ear should be directly over the shoulder, the shoulder directly over the hip, and the hip directly over the ankle. If these normal structures and postures are not present, stress and strain are placed upon the spine. These stresses and strains lead to breakdown in the tissues, causing dysfunction and eventually pain which interfers with the normal processes of the nervous system. The restoration of normal structure, as facilitated by your doctor, will lead to normalized function in the body.

Spinal care now can prevent a number of spine problems later in life. Through a customized treatment plan and lifestyle changes, you can have the freedom from pain you deserve, now and in the future.

Posture is a window to the shape of the spinal column. Abnormal posture can be related to a number of health problems and increases stress and pressure on the muscles, ligaments and bones of the spinal column. These abnormal stresses (caused by poor posture) lead to a breakdown of body tissues and eventually cause pain.

Posture is one of the most simple, but also most difficult aspects of our everyday lives. Whether at work or at play, keeping good posture is of utmost importance. The nervous system controls all functions in the body, and posture controls how well the nervous system functions. Losing posture affects not just how you look but how you feel and how well all processes in the body work. Being aware of your posture while sitting, standing, walking, or lying down can make a significant difference in the success of your treatment plan.

Why is traction important?2019-04-08T16:21:18+00:00

Traction is the only known conservative method of restoring normal curves to the spine. Traction is simply a sustained force applied to the spine in a specific direction for the purpose of restoring normal spine position. These traction forces are necessary to reduce abnormal spinal curvatures, correct abnormal postures, and will provide increased stability to damaged spines. The proper application of spinal traction in our office will ensure safety and effectiveness of care.

Your spine exhibits many different properties. It will move quickly as a traction force is applied, but it will quickly resume the original abnormal shape. If a force is applied to the spine for a certain amount of time, a change will take place but if removed too soon, the spine will again resume its abnormal shape, similar to Silly Putty. However, if a traction force is applied for more than 10-15 minutes, permanent change is made. That change will become more and more apparent improving posture, structure and function. Types of traction are specific to your diagnosis. Be patient. It can take time for the abnormal spine to become normal. Traction may cause some soreness but should not cause pain. Keep communication lines open with your doctor if you feel possible modifications concerning weight or time might be needed. Your consistency and effort will pay off in a healthy spine.

Why is therapeutic exercise important?2019-04-08T16:22:03+00:00

Most of the time, it is necessary to perform very specific exercises as prescribed by Dr. Coleman. These exercises are designed for your posture and spine, furthering the goal of maintaining maximum spinal correction and function through improved structure. These exercises are different from any other because they are created through careful analysis of your posture, x-rays and ergonomic/postural habits and each is designed to strengthen muscles that have become weak. There are more than 128,000 possible abnormal postures. The exercises are designated specifically for you with the goal of attaining that one normal posture.

Some of the exercises prescribed for you may feel unusual at first. Remember, the exercise is the exact opposite of your abnormal posture. With that in mind, your muscles are not used to working in that position, and it can take time before you grow accustomed. Be patient. Abnormal posture takes time to develop and also takes time to correct. Some soreness might occur which is a good sign that you are performing the exercises properly. Some soreness is expected, but pain is not. Always remember that water consumption can ease soreness. Water is your friend and a key nutrient to your treatment success!

Why are X-rays important?2019-04-08T16:24:04+00:00

X-rays determine where the spine is in relationship to the normal spinal models. Without an X-ray, proper treatment cannot be determined. Properly taken x-rays are like a blueprint of your spine. With X-rays, we can see how an individual spine deviates from normal alignment and allows us to decide on the appropriate treatment. The proper, individualized course of treatment can only be developed once Dr. Coleman has reviewed your X-rays. Dr. Coleman will review your X-rays with you and explain the differences between normal and abnormal alignment. At ChiroSolutions Center, we are not afraid to show you your X-rays, and we tell you if we can make a change back towards normal.

An example, arthritis is another important potential discovery with properly taken X-rays. Arthritis is not a normal process of aging, but abnormal stress on bones and discs from poor posture can cause degeneration. Some people might not realize this degeneration is taking place and can be a painful “time bomb” if not addressed properly.

Where do I get my X-rays?2019-04-08T16:24:49+00:00

At ChiroSolutions Center, you have the added convenience of having your X-rays taken on the premises, during your first appointment.

Can ChiroSolutions Center treat children?2019-04-08T16:25:17+00:00

Children are our most prized assets. Their health is often more important to us than our own.. We look to safeguard one of the most vital, necessary parts of a child’s body, the nervous system. How do we do that? By delicately taking care of the protector of the nervous system – the spine.

Did you know that one of the first parts of an embryo to form is the nervous system? The nervous system provides direction for the formation of the vital organs, muscles and skeleton. Without the proper signal from the growing nervous system, nothing would form properly, and normal growth would not occur.

Dr. Coleman is trained to detect spinal abnormalities in even the youngest spines. She can see abnormal posture, feel muscle spasms, and if needed, verify spinal abnormalities with X-rays. These spinal abnormalities can then be corrected, which prevents related dysfunction later in life. ChiroSolutions Center offers kids the treatment and knowledge to make this prevention last.

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4460 Corporation Lane Suite 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Tel: +1 757-271-0001

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