Nutritional Guidance and Supplements
Dr. Samantha Coleman, D.C. and Sammie Motley provide nutritional guidance to our patients.
A thorough initial consultation will be held to assess your needs and may require additional diagnostic testing such as the Hair Mineral Analysis or Omega-3 Blood Test.
Everyone’s body is unique and we take our time to assess your individual needs and goals to map out a plan specifically for you.
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Benefits of Nutritional Supplements
With your body’s metabolism, the body breaks down food and absorbs nutrients.
If your body is not properly digesting and breaking down foods, you might not be getting all of the nutrients you need from food.
Taking a nutritional supplement to improve metabolism can help eliminate deficiencies that can lead to disorders of the skin and cause nerve damage, anemia and joint pain.
Our focus is on the highest quality vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathic remedies and nutritional supplements.
After your initial assessment, Dr. Coleman will recommend supplements based on your individual goals and needs.
Daily, your tissue is stressed by your activities and your cells constantly have to work to rebuild tissue that is damaged or old.
Old or damaged tissue, if not repaired, can lead to diseases such as osteoporosis. Nutritional supplements can help the cells rebuild your tissues and bones.
Nutritional Supplements are Good for All Ages
Many people think that seniors and young children are the only ones who need supplements, but people of all ages and those with the healthiest of diets can benefit.
Did you know? Studies show that in order to get your daily dose of Omega-3 you would have to eat 11 ounces of salmon a day!
Hair Mineral Analysis
To determine if you have mineral deficiencies and any heavy metal toxicity, ChiroSolutions Center recommends a hair mineral analysis.
Information from the analysis can explain causes of some health symptoms and disease.
Some of these can be caused by nutritional imbalances. Why your hair? Because it is one of several places your body gets rid of minerals and heavy metals.
Omega-3 Blood Test
The Omega-3 Blood Test provides an index for the measurement of Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA+DHA, in red blood cells.
This relates to your risk for heart disease and is important for your joint and brain health.
Why is it important to measure your Omega-3 Index?
If you have low levels of Omega-3 in your blood, you are at an increased risk for depression, a fatal heart attack and maybe dementia.
The good news is that your level of Omega-3 can be increased with some easy dietary changes.
Free Initial Consultation
Stop living with pain and discomfort. Contact us to schedule your free initial appointment.
Request an appointment online, or call 757-271-0001