Chiropractic Knowledge / Seeking Chiropractic Care for Long Term Results

Seeking Chiropractic Care for Long Term Results

Last updated: December 13, 2023 | Author: Dr. Samantha Coleman


When it comes to modern medicine, most of us can agree that it is hyper-focused on quick fixes and treating various health conditions by using pharmaceutical drugs, injections, or even surgery.

While these methods can help manage your symptoms related to pain, injury, or illness, they may come with unnecessary side effects too.

On the other hand, holistic medicine has a different approach to most health concerns.

It recognizes health as a combination of 3 main components: the body, mind, and spirit.

Ultimately, holistic healthcare goes to the root of health issues and promotes long-term results for the patients instead of simply covering up the symptoms.

This is why seeking chiropractic care may be one of the best options for addressing common complaints like pain.

How Modern Medicine Treats Pain

To have a better understanding of the differences between what modern healthcare and chiropractic care can provide, let’s look at a simple example.

What would you do if you woke up one day with pain in the area of your shoulders? Probably, you would ignore it and say that it will go away soon.

Or if it’s really hurting, you may decide to take some painkillers, lie down to rest, and hope for the best.

However, if your shoulder pain doesn’t resolve in a few days, you may go to talk to your family doctor about your problem.


Usually, in these cases, doctors prescribe some medications and recommend generic exercises or stretches to relieve the pain.

The problem? Most prescription painkillers contain chemicals that are highly addictive and can lead to organ damage over the long term.

Indeed, these treatment options can help manage the pain well for a while.

Yet, living with the ups and downs of pain can be exhausting and both mentally and physically challenging.

The No Band-Aid Approach of Chiropractic Care

If you are looking for long-lasting results, then putting a symbolic band-aid on your symptoms won’t be enough.

The true underlying issue that contributes to your pain needs to be addressed as well.

To do that, it’s best to opt for holistic treatments like chiropractic care.

This way, you can be assured that your symptoms will go away for good.


If you are wondering what may be the possible causes, pain most often stems from neuromusculoskeletal problems.

This includes muscle imbalances, muscle weakness, spine misalignment, incorrect posture, and more.

Fortunately, chiropractors are experts in identifying these root causes and addressing them with holistic treatment options (for example, spine adjustments, posture training, drug-free pain management, etc.).

This “no band-aid” approach can not only promote true, long-lasting recovery but also a better balance within the body.

Additionally, if you want to maximize the benefits of chiropractic care, the best is to find a chiropractor who holds a certification in Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP), a proven, research-based protocol.

Opt for Chiropractic Care to Feel Your Best

Hopefully, by now you understand why chiropractors can help provide long-term results for their patients.

Regardless of your health concern, seeking chiropractic care may help you feel your best and avoid the negative side effects of modern treatment options.

Find a CBP provider in your area and get your health issues addressed holistically.

Dr. Samantha Coleman at Virginia Beach Chiropractic Clinic is one of the handful of chiropractors in the area who is certified in CBP. If you live nearby, don’t hesitate to get in touch with her office.

Dr Samantha Coleman Chiropractor

She is the only Advanced Certified CBP Chiropractor in Hampton Roads, Virginia.

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