
Chiropractor / Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain Relief Virginia Beach


Hundreds of Virginia Beach residents suffer with shoulder pain on a daily basis. 

It is often the result of an injury or chronic condition which makes the shoulders painful and limit the range of motion.

Most pain and shoulder injuries are due to a traumatic injury, or repetitive tasks.

Injuries sustained during sports, workouts, auto accidents, falls, work-related tasks, or lifting a heavy bag of groceries (or children) can lead to a lifetime of shoulder pain and discomfort.

With the recent surge in smart phones and laptops becoming a staple in our bedrooms, many Virginia Beach residents are laying on their sides while working on their devices – leading to more pain and shoulder injuries.

Identifying the Underlying Cause of Your Pain Is Crucial

The shoulder is one of the most complex and largest joints within the body that plays an important role when it comes to your everyday life.

This is because you use your shoulder constantly during your daily activities for motions like reaching, pulling, pushing, etc.


Unfortunately, when shoulder pain strikes, most people feel the immediate need to take a pill to relieve the pain or even take a day or two off from work.

While these options can give short term relief from pain, the symptoms will most likely come and go again and again.

The reason why shoulder pain can reoccur is that it is often caused by imbalances within the body that need to be holistically addressed.

The most common underlying causes are the following:

  • Incorrect posture
  • Spine misalignment
  • Overuse
  • Imbalances of the muscles in the area of the shoulder
  • Muscle weakness (for example weakness of the rotator cuff muscles or shoulder blades)

Identifying the root cause of the pain is crucial for a sustainable recovery.

Therefore, if you would like to increase your healing potential and have long-lasting results, consider seeking help from Chiropractic Care.

Virginia Beach chiropractors are trained to assess the health and look for any imbalances in the entire body that might be causing your shoulder pain. Additionally, chiropractors who possess special certification in Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) are the best in this field.

They use rigorously tested, evidence-based protocols in order to address the body’s imbalances holistically and ultimately, relieve the pain.

Chiropractic Treatment Options for Shoulder Pain

When visiting a chiropractor for shoulder pain, they will first examine your body, including your spine and your shoulder to determine the underlying cause of your pain.

Once the cause is identified, your chiropractor addresses the underlying health issue that leads to the pain with various treatment options.

A few of the most commonly used options are:

  • Shoulder adjustments (may help to restore the innate balance of your shoulder)
  • Spine adjustments (in any changes are detected in spine alignment)
  • Posture training (for better posture)
  • Exercise training
  • Lifestyle modifications

Getting treatment for shoulder pain early on is always advisable.

It can help you prevent any further health issues.

For example, you can decrease the risk of suffering from arthritis, tears, or other kinds of strains within the shoulder that could put a damper on your quality of life in the long run

You Chiropractor for Shoulder Injury

Unfortunately it is ignored or masked my many Virginia Beach residents. Instead of getting to the root cause, most people prefer to pop a few pills, or avoid tasks that exacerbate the problem.

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Dr Samantha Coleman, lead chiropractor and owner of ChiroSolutions Center in Virginia Beach has treated hundreds of area residents address the source of pain through the use of chiropractic care and rehabilitative exercises that actually address the root cause of the problem.

If you or a loved one in the Virginia Beach area is suffering with pain, please contact ChiroSolutions Center and discuss your options with Dr Samantha Coleman.

Free Initial Consultation

Stop living with pain and discomfort. Contact us to schedule your free initial appointment.

Request an appointment online, or call 757-271-0001

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ChiroSolutions Center

4460 Corporation Lane Suite 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Tel: +1 757-271-0001

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