Chiropractic Knowledge / ChiroSolutions Center’s Back Pain Relief and Prevention Tips

ChiroSolutions Center’s Back Pain Relief and Prevention Tips

Last updated: December 13, 2023 | Author: Dr. Samantha Coleman

Back Pain ReliefBack pain is annoying, yet it is more likely to visit any average person, and it does not discriminate against any race, gender or age.

Back pain is a pain that occur at either upper or lower back, resulted from strained muscles, injuries or poor postures.

Back pain doesn’t typically become life-threatening; however, this doesn’t mean that one should ignore its presence.

The following advices from the professional chiropractors in Virginia Beach – ChiroSolutions Center will benefit a majority of people with back pain.

The aim of these advices is to support you to back pain reliefs, remain active and recover well.

Correct your posture

Posture is the way you sit, stand, or perform activities such as bending, lifting, stretching, etc. Proper posture keeps all parts of the body balanced and supported, while poor posture can cause strain on the bones, joins and lead to back pain.

Correct posture is a simple but very vital approach to keep the many complex structures in the back and spine healthy.

Prefer to the tips below for keeping good postures:

  • To improve posture when sitting, you should switch sitting positions often, or stand up and take brief breaks. Don’t cross your legs and make sure that your feet touch the floor, or if that’s not possible, use a footrest. You should also make sure that your back is fully supported, or use a back pillow or other back support if your chair does not have a backrest that can support your lower back’s curve.
  • To improve posture when standing, you should stand up straight, put your weight mostly on the balls of your feet, try to keep your head level and let your arms hang down naturally at your sides.

Exercise and stay active

Extra weight can weaken and place pressure on your abdominal muscles, cause problems for your pelvis and spine, which contribute to chronic back pain.

Regularly doing exercises can help both maintain a healthy weight while improves your posture.

Daily exercises such as jogging, swimming, running, bicycling and yoga combine with a low-carb diet are strongly recommended to keep your spine strong and healthy.


Stop smoking

Smoking, aside from being known as main cause of cancer, can also negatively affect your spine.

Nicotine restricts the flow of the blood inside your body, causing herniated disc that cushion between two vertebrae bodies and increases the rate of degeneration, reduces calcium absorption and prevents new bone growth, increasing the risk for osteoporosis and slower healing after bone fractures.


Osteoporosis in turn leads to the compression of bone fractures of the spine and cause back pain.

Many researches have proven that smokers are more like getting back pain than non-smokers.

Thus, it is recommended to completely eliminate or try to limit smoking in order to prevent future complications.

Find the right treatment

If all fails and your back pan become unbearable, or if you don’t want to cope with such pain and let it interfere with your daily activities, then it is time for you to start considering having better treatment from a professional health care center.

As back pain grows more malicious, some people may consider surgery as an option, however, chiropractic is considered a more efficient alternative to say goodbye your back pain permanently.

Dr. Coleman at the ChiroSolutions Center in Virginia Beach is the only advanced certified chiropractor in CBP® in the southern part of Virginia. He can identify your problem and eliminate it at the source. If you don’t like to compromise with pain and would rather enjoy a pain-free lifestyle, please call 757-271-0001, or visit to request a free consultation or an appointment.

Dr Samantha Coleman Chiropractor

She is the only Advanced Certified CBP Chiropractor in Hampton Roads, Virginia.

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